Technical Support Contacts

Users of Handy Backup are entitled to free technical support from Novosoft. If you experience any problems installing or using our software that you can't solve by using this manual, or have any questions or suggestions, please contact Technical Support.

For registered users:

For unregistered users:

To make sure that our support response letter is not deleted by spam filters, don't forget to add or to your email address book.

You can also contact us via instant messengers or phone to receive instant response (we are at GMT+6, EST +11):

ICQ: 486-152-064
Twitter Logo Twitter: NovosoftSupport
MSN Logo Windows Live (MSN):
Skype Logo Skype: NovosoftHelp
FAQ +7 (383) 330-3469
+1 (707) 703-1315

Also you can use our online feedback form which is available at

Before sending a message to our Support Team, please download and install the latest build of the Handy Backup. It is highly possible that your problem has been fixed already. Please close the Handy Backup agent and the program before installation. The program can be downloaded at free of charge.

When sending a support request, please include the following information in it:

If the program is running:

If the program does not run:

End User License Agreement

Installation and Getting Started

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